Most college apartments consist of half functional couches and side tables found in the dumpster behind Goodwill. I once heard a friend say his first piece of wall art was a VHS tape of Dumb and Dumber nailed to the wall.

Our house was a little bit odd, one roommate inherited an entire living room (walls not included) from her grandparents which set us up to be mocked and begrudged by our peers. On the one hand, having a fully functional pineapple couch worn down in all the right places made for soft sitting. However, the fist sight from the front door was a china cabinet full of tea pots and antique trinkets. If you are twenty-three then seeing such a sight will send you into a nostalgic coma full of peppermint gum and knitting needles.

But as we age china cabinets make more and more sense, a place of honor to display little bits of valued memorabilia. It’s a good thing one of our many roles at  Apple Glass and Mirror is to cut durable shelves to preserve your memories.